parallel parking, you must be within 50 cm of the curb
15 metres from the intersection driver should be in the proper turning lane making a turn at the upcoming intersection
you should: Stop within 3 meters of the intersecting roadway. When approaching a stop sign where there is no stop line, sidewalk or crosswalk
If there is no stop line or marked crosswalk at the intersection, you must stop within 3 metres of the intersecting roadway.
you are required to park 5 metres away from a stop sign or crosswalk
If your vehicle equipped with an air bag system, Transport Canada recommends that you should position yourself back at least:25 centimeters from the steering wheel
Recommended distance between the driver's head and the restraint in order to reduce whiplash injuries is less than 10cm(<4")
safest stopping distance from the nearest rail, at a stop sign near a railway crossing
is No closer than 5meters and further than 15meters.
Distance you must maintain when parking close to a fire hydrant is:5 meters
Do not park your vehicle:within 1.5 metres of an access to a garage, private roadway or driveway
A school bus with red signal lights flashing is stopped. What does the law require you to do?Stop 20 meters from the school bus
A 'Bus' is defined as a motor vehicle that is designed to have a seating capacity of more than:10
6 demerit points will be recorded against your license for failing to stop for a school bus.
How many demerit points will be recorded against your license for failing to remain at the scene of an accident?7 Points
You should use your low-beam headlights when you are within 300meters from any oncoming vehicle.
Often in poor weather conditions drivers are required to use high beam lights. However drivers must switch back to low beam lights:
When following another vehicle and within 60 meters or When you are within 150 meters of an oncoming vehicle
You must not follow any emergency vehicle that has its siren or lights operating within:150 metres
It is against the law to follow an emergency vehicle more closely than: 150 metres.
Under Graduated Diver Licencing system, when an accumulation of 8 or more demerit points occurs within a two-year period, yourlicence is automatically suspended for:
One month
The Ministry of Transportation may require your presence for an interview and driving re-examination if you reach:9 demerit points
If you are charged with 15 demerit points, license suspension occurs:
Automatically, and for 30 days from receipt of 15th demerit point
Anyone found guilty of driving with a blood alcohol level over .08/80 mg
1year -Anyone found guilty of driving with a blood alcohol level over .08/80 mg for the first time
3years-Anyone found guilty of driving with a blood alcohol level over .08/80 mg who has a prior alcohol offence in the last 10 years, is disqualified from holding an operator's licence for:
36 months from the date of the finding of the guilt
5years-Anyone found guilty of driving with a blood alcohol level over .08/80 mg who has two or more prior alcohol offences in the last 10 years, is disqualified from holding an operator's licence
If a death or injury occurs as a result of an impaired offence, the minimum licence suspension will be even for a first offender:5years
You are involved in an accident and damages exceed $1000. You must report the accident to the nearest provincial/local police:At once
What is the minimum personal injury or damages $ value for which you are required to report an accident to the police?. $1000
How much minimum insurance required for third party liability?$200,000
impaired drinking and driving rules
Testing between the 0.05 - 0.08 BAC range is a warn range and results in three day roadside suspension
Testing above the 0.08 BAC range is results in an impaired driving conviction and a 90 day roadside suspension
Failing to remain at the scene of an accident 7 points.
Careless driving 6 points.
Failing to stop for a school bus 6 points.
Racing 6 points.
Speeding – exceeding limit by more than 50 km/h 6 points.
Failing to stop at a railway crossing
- school bus or vehicle carrying explosives, gas or flammable liquids 5 points.Failing to stop at a railway crossing
Failing to stop for a peace officer 5 points.
Failing to yield right-of-way to a pedestrian in a crosswalk 4 points.
Following too closely 4 points.
Speeding – exceeding limit by more than 30 km/h but not more than 50 km/h 4 points.
Speeding – unreasonable rate 4 points.
Driving left of centre 3 points.
Driving on the wrong way of a one-way highway 3 points.
Failing to report an accident 3 points.
Failing to stop at stop sign 3 points.
Failing to stop at red light at an intersection 3 points.
Impeding passing vehicle 3 points.
Improper passing 3 points.
Stunting 3 points.
Speeding – exceeding limit by more than 15 km/h but not more than 30 km/h 3 points.
Failing to obey instruction of traffic control device 2 points.
Improper backing 2 points.
Improper turns 2 points.
Improper turns – U turn 2 points.
Traffic lane violation 2 points.
Speeding – exceeding limit by up to 15 km/h 2 points.
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